Tuesday, April 30, 2013


What a beautiful day!  The warmth reminded me to remind the class to make sure to take showers, wash their clothing, and wear deodorant.  It gets kind of smelly in our room if they don't make sure to do these things now that it is warmer!


Math: Test tomorrow-study your workbook review and Unit 7 pages.

Reading: 20 minutes

Other: book order due Friday-last one of the year, skit people-bring props.  $2 for a project due Friday

Monday, April 29, 2013


Today we worked on editing our Opinion papers on a historical event.


Reading: NO POEM tonight!

Math: Test this week

Other: book order due Friday-it is the last one of the year.

Friday, April 26, 2013


Today we accomplished a lot. We turned in the Opinion Essays we have been working on, took a spelling test, and tried to finish up our Historical Event Posters.


Other: book order due May 3rd

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Today it was take your child to work day. My daughter, Amy, was here. She helped out in many ways!  She really enjoyed being here.


Math: HWK 7.6, we did it in class today, but they can bring it home to be checked.

Reading: finish your log if you didn't do it in class.  Read 20 minutes.  Tomorrow is the last time to work on your opinion paper in the computer lab.

Other:  Patrols end for our class tomorrow, book orders due May 3rd, bring in 50 cents to wear a hat tomorrow, last day of penny war tomorrow, any sign up slips for talent show try-outs due tomorrow-signed, and any slips to be in our class skit are due tomorrow-signed.

Captain Wattage Program

We learned about electricity and how to be safe around it.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


It was great to be back! I was happy to see a mostly good report from the Guest Teacher.  I did have over half my class forget to get their poem from yesterday signed, though, so make sure your child does it tonight if they were late.


Other: book order due Friday, May 3rd.  Patrols will be done on Friday.

Math: HWK 7.4 was done in class, but I told the kids to bring it home to get it checked.  Please sign and return Math tests ASAP.  I am still thinking that the lower scores are correlated with the lack of focus during Math class.

Reading: 20 minutes, get poem signed if it wasn't last night.

Writing: Opinion essay due Friday-work on it at home if you have a computer with Google Drive.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Today we went to a funny play brought to us by Menasha Utilities telling about saving energy.  It was called Captain Wattage.  I will post a picture soon.  Ask your child what they learned.


Math: HWK 7.2 due tomorrow

Other: Electronic Day tomorrow-make sure you have your signed note to participate.  T-Shirt orders due, Family Fun Night Thursday 5:30-7:45

Monday, April 15, 2013


Today we jumped back into some projects we had started before our Focus on Future Week. We are working on a poster about a historical time period and an opinion piece on the same thing.

I will be gone on Friday and Monday, so help prepare your student for a guest teacher!  Please send in RSVPs for the Bingo night on Thursday-free food from Fazoli's!  But you have to RSVP.  Fill out the note that got sent home again tonight, or let me know a number in an email etc.


Other: RSVP for Family Fun Night, T-Shirt money still being accepted, Guest teacher Friday and Monday

Reading/Writing: read 20 minutes, make a thank you card for Mrs. Leonard for library tomorrow!

Math: Math test will go home tomorrow to get signed.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Today we went to the lab to look up the UT on Google Maps and Mapquest. Then we printed our Mapquest from our homes to Austin, Texas.  We talked about how many days it might take us to get to Austin, then tour the campus, and come home again.  We also talked about the different ways you can pay for college or technical school.  Tomorrow we have an assembly to wrap up the Focus on Future week.  We will be sharing a top ten of UT facts we want the school to know about.

Remember to wear orange and white tomorrow!


Math: do the practice test as a study guide, and get it signed by a parent for tomorrow.

Reading: poem signed if you haven't already, read 20 minutes.

Other: wear orange and white.  T-shirt orders due tomorrow, Family Fun Bingo night RSVPs due tomorrow. Popcorn Friday.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Today we spent some time in the computer lab with Mrs. Hess doing some final touches on our learner resumes. You should  have received a note about the Jay Talk with her-please sign and return it!  We did have to talk about not using the chat option on gmail when we are in the lab. The kids know this rule, but many are breaking it.


Reading: Ask questions about college to someone who has went.

Math: finish book test if you didn't finish in class.

Other: T-shirt order due Friday. Wear orange and white on Friday.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Today we worked on a pennant for UT. Then, in Art class the kids worked on designing a logo for the University as well.  We also went to a performance of Opera For the Young-Cinderella.  It was fun!  Some of our class members were members of the chorus, and I got to be an evil step-sister!I will post photos later.


Other: t-shirt orders due Friday, Guidance slip signed for tomorrow, Wear orange and white on Friday

Math: HWK 6.10-choose any three to do

Monday, April 8, 2013


Today we started Focus on Future week at BDM!  Each grade level/class got assigned a different top 100 college in the nation to study.  At the end of the week, we will have another assembly to share our findings.  Our University is the University of Texas at Austin-the Longhorns.  Their colors are Burnt Orange and White.  We will wear these colors on Friday to show our support for the school!  Ask your child what they found out about college vocabulary words, and the school itself online. I added the university's website to my links to the right side of my blog.


Math: HWK 6.9 evens

Reading: read poem and get it signed for tomorrow

Other: T-shirt orders due Friday!

University of Texas Songs

Friday, April 5, 2013

1,000 Islands Video

Another Version...


Next week is Focus on Future week! Read the note that was sent home today. The penny war is also starting next week.


Other: t-shirt orders due April 12th, penny war

Math: None

Reading: 20 minutes

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Today we had our growth and development talk in class. Please follow up by talking about this with your child at home!


Math: finish pages 201 and 202 in your workbook

Reading:  20 minutes

Other: T-shirt order due April 12th, PTO spring Fling tommorrow 6-8, popcorn Friday

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

It's Too Late to Aplogize: A Declaration


This afternoon we had a PBIS assembly.  I will post pictures soon. They played a trivia game about the Eagle Way, and all grade levels won an extra ten minutes of recess!  That will come in handy as it gets warmer outside!


Math: if you missed a lot of the problems on HWK 6.7-redo one for practice.

Reading: 20 minutes, Book It Calendars due signed Friday, poem signed if you still haven't done it.

Other: PTO Spring Fling 6-8 pm Friday, T-Shirt Orders due April 12th.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Today we took a walking trip around the school to look at Posters and what kinds of text features they have.  While we did that, we had a fire drill!


Reading: 20 minutes, get poem signed if you didn't already.

Math: Homework 6.7 evens only

Other: T-Shirt Order due April 12th, PTO Spring Fling on Friday

Monday, April 1, 2013


Happy April Fool's Day!  All of the kids had a lot of energy after our break!  We had Gym and Music in the afternoon.


Math: finish pages 197-198 in your workbook, then do the odds on HWK 6.6

Reading: Read your April Fool's Day poem to someone and get it signed. Read 20 minutes.  March Book-It calendars are due on Friday.

Other: Spring Fling for PTO on Friday from 6-8

April Fools