Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March 31st

Today we had an extra computer time to finish our business letters. If the weather gets better theis week we will walk to the Post Office and send them out!


Spanish: practice a few more verbs on your worksheet for tomorrow.

Math: Study for test tomorrow. Make sure y ou have studylinks 7.2-7.8 and 7.10 done.

Spelling: Study

Reading: 20 min. for Fang

Other: Band lessons tomorrow
Book order due Friday
1,000 Island note and $4 due Monday

Monday, March 30, 2009

March 30th

Today Mrs. Hess had a talk with the class in guidance about using inappropriate language. We have had increased reports of kids swearing or saying "you suck." I was disappointed then at lunch to hear reports of girls calling each other names, and then also hearing some swearing from some 5th graders at lunch. I told my class that if they use a swear word or inappropriate names I will have them call their parents to tell them what they said.

Miss Baumgartener came to our class today. She could only stay for the morning, she had a meeting in the afternoon. She will be with us until the end of the year. She has already prepared a introduction letter that I will put on the back of our Thursday Fridge note.


Math: Finish Math study guide and have a parent check it over and sign the top. We will be going over the answers tomorrow and I will give the test on Wed.

Reading: 3rd Fang due. Read 20 minutes for Fang

Other: Talent show skit slip due tomorrow
1,000 Islands Field Trip-Wed., April 22nd $4 and slip telling about your lunch choice due
Megavolt Spring Break note due Monday the 6th
Career Fair notes due tomorrow
Book Order bue Friday

Friday, March 27, 2009

March 27th

Today we had our first Junior Achievement class. Our Junior Achievement instructor is my sister, Mrs. Eickelberg. She works for the community relations department at Thrivent. She will be teaching a curriculum about different types of businesses, interviewing skills, and other interesting topics. Mrs. Eickelberg will be coming every Friday for the next 5-6 weeks for 45 minutes each time.


Reading: 20 minutes for Fang, finish your group reading book over the weekend.

Other: talent show slip due Monday if you want to be a part of our skit, 1,000 Islands trip money and lunch slip, Book order due 4-3.

Please note the date changes in one of my blog posts. I usually double check stuff like that, but I went off of dates that I wrote incorrectly in my planner! Sorry about that!

Class Severe Weather Slideshow

Our class looked up information on severe weather. Then we all went to the computer lab and I typed the info into a powerpoint presentation. Click on this link to enjoy!http://www.slideshare.net/Ktegge/severe-weather-1211790

Field Trip Date Mistake

I put the wrong date on the Thousand Island Trip handout. We are going Wednesday, April 22nd.
Sorry for the mistake!
I also made a mistake with the date of the career fair-it should be Monday, April 20th, not Monday, April 21st. I must have been having a bad date week when I typed those slips!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

March 26th

Today we had a few rehearsals which made our class smaller than usual! It was the first time that our band met with the bands from other elem. schools to practice for their Spring concert. Then the chorus kids went to the High School to practice for their concert tonight. We get to start Junior Achievement tomorrow. I will give more information about that tomorrow after we have had our first lesson.


Reading: 20 minutes for Fang, finish group reading book by Monday.

Spelling: Test tomorrow-study, DC group finish your lesson

Math: Studylink 7.8

Writing: Finish rough draft of your business letter so we can type it during computer tomorrow.

Other: popcorn $, career day notes due Monday, return Middle school Math test note.
Book order due April 3rd, 1,000 Islands field trip slip and $4, Talent show slip due Monday

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

March 25th

Today I had a substitute in the room so I could do reading testing. It went very well-every student went up at least one level from where they started in Sept.


Reading: 20 min. for Fang, Reading group book finished by Monday

Spelling: Study words

Science: Finish tornado map at home and do questions on page 161 of your weather book. Due tomorrow.

Spanish: Sign verb sheet

Other: Full band tomorrow. Math Middle school test note signed and returned, career day note signed.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

March 24th

Today we worked on our business letters. We just started getting our thoughts written down. Tomorrow I will be in the building doing reading assessments with each student. I will have a substitute in class to cover. We went over what the test is like today so everybody feels comfortable with the format.


Spelling: Lists were stapled in agendas today. No cards this week. Just study the words by sorting them on paper.

Reading: 20 minutes for Fang, group book needs to be finished by Monday.

Math: finish SL7.7. Most kids finished this in class.

Science: Team 1 weather last night! Packets are due tomorrow.

Other: Band lessons tomorrow-Full band is on Thursday this week.
Math test signed slip (was sent from the middle school in the mail this weekend)
Career fair slip due Monday (I haven't gotten any back yet!)

Monday, March 23, 2009

March 23rd

Today we started talking about what a business letter is. We brainstormed people/companies we might write a business letter to to get information about something we are interested in, or a letter to maturely complain about insufficient service or a faulty product. Tomorrow we will talk about the last type of business letter, a letter to an editor or leader. We will be writing our own letters soon.


Reading: Read 20 minutes for Fang. 3rd base Fang is due March 31st.
Read pages in group book if you need to catch up. We will finish these books by the end of the week.

Science: Team 1 weather packet

Spanish: Finish crossword puzzle given in class today

Other: Return the Maplewood Math testing note that was sent to parents in the mail this past weekend.
Return Career Fair notes that were sent home last Thursday.

Thanks to all parents and students that volunteered, donated to, or just had fun at Friday's Carnival. It was such a great success!

Friday, March 20, 2009

March 20th

Happy First Day of Spring!!! Today we watched some videos in Math class that helped to explain positive and negative integers in a fun way. The class also had Art, and typed part of their stories and poems in the computer lab.


Reading: Read 20 minutes for Fang

Science: Team 1 do weather on Friday

Other: Carnival tonight 5-9 pm. Bring money to purchase tickets for games, food, and a raffle. Wristbands for the inflatables are $1

Thursday, March 19, 2009

March 19th

Today the class started their fun dance unit in Phy. Ed. class. We were also a little disappointed that the temperature went down about 10 degrees today on our weather graph :(


Reading: read 20 minutes for Fang

Spelling: finish Spelling sentences in cursive if you didn't finish them in class. DC group finish lesson 4. Study for test tomorrow.

Science: Team 1 weather. Make a barometer-only about 5 kids in a class of 24 finished that last night as homework, so all the others are late.

Other: wear black for class color day, popcorn $, career fair note due March 31

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March 18th

Today we met with our kindergarten mentor/pals and helped them to write a leprechaun story to go along with a leprechaun they had made in their class. We also are enjoying the milder weather outside at recess.


Spanish: finish self-assessment for their poster

Spelling: Study

Reading: Read 20 min. for Fang, read pages for your group.

Writing: finish 2nd rough draft for tomorrow (the ist one they got edited by a peer, then they need to rewrite it making the corrections)

Math: Studylink 7.6

Science: Make a barometer-directions were sent home. Bring to school tomorrow. Team 1 do your weather packet!!!

Other: Crazy Hair Day

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March 17th

Happy Birthday Mariah!!! Thanks for the yummy shamrock cookies! Today the class had Phy. Ed. and Music. They also got to see two of my daughters when they came to take me to lunch with Mr. Tegge. We also had fun wearing our hats for hat day-and I also saw a lot of green for St. Pat's day.


Spelling: Study

Science: notes on page 124 and 125 if you didn't finish in class.

Math: Make sure Studylinks 7.4 and 7.5 are finished.

Reading: 20 minutes for Fang. Finish entry for today's reading-have a parent read it to catch any errors.

Spanish: Poster due-was assigned last Friday. Worksheet-notes were taken in class to help.

Other: Twin day tomorrow

Monday, March 16, 2009

March 16th

Today our March Madness week began!!! Today was Beach Day, Tues. is Hat Day, Wed. is Twin Day, Thurs. is Crazy Hair Day, and Friday is Class Color/ Pigment Day (5th grade wears black). We also got to go on a nice walk outside to observe and draw the clouds. There were not many-it was very nice and sunny. We did see a line of cirrus clouds way up high. Hunter also pointed out a robin-the first one that I have seen! Spring is coming!!! Yea!!!

Please continue you send a coat with your child to school. They can layer with sweatshirts etc, but should still wear a coat out for recess. If they are going into the field they still need boots and snowpants. It is still snowy out there and very muddy!!!


Writing: finish your rough draft for tomorrow. Students could write anything they wanted-a personal narrative, a fictional story, a poem, etc. We need to be ready for peer editing this week.

Reading: Read your pages if you are behind.

Math: Finish 1-5 on page 226 in your Math Journal. You may use your notes in your Math notebook about order of operations to help you.

Spanish: Finish poster assignment by Wed. It was sent home on Friday.

Science: Team 2-continue to fill out the weather packet

Other: Hat Day tomorrow
Any notes about not being able to afford a T-shirt are due by Friday.

Friday, March 13, 2009

March 13th

Just a heads-up: the 5th grade graduation will be held on Friday, May 29th from 9:30-10:30 in the commons. Any family members are welcome. The reason why I am telling you this now is so you can try to work out something with your job so you can make it. Students receive awards and Mrs. Hess presents a special slide show that parents and students always love to watch!!!

Another heads-up: on Friday, June 5th is our trip to Tundra Lodge indoor water park in Green Bay. Parents are welcome, but they have to drive themselves there. If you do not want to swim-you can get a special armband for free. If you do want to swim, you pay at the desk seperately from the class.


Math: Finish Studylink 7.4-we did some in class today, but nobody finished it completely

Reading: bring in your signed Fang for 2nd base on Monday if you have been reading for 20 minutes each night at home.

Science: Team 2 Friday weather

Spanish: Poster due Wed.

Other: March Madness week is next week.
Monday is Beach Day. You can wear shorts but you need to wear sweatpants etc over them when you come to school. You can wear flip flops (usually it is against school policy) in my room. You may bring a beach towel, sunglasses etc if you would like.

Last chance for t-shirt money is Monday

Thursday, March 12, 2009

March 12th

Conferences are tonight:

3:30 Mariah
3:50 Luke
4:10 Matthew
4:30 Alex S.
4:50 Ashley W.
5:50 Chris
6:10 Ashley S.
6:30 Cassie
6:50 Rachel
7:10 Brittany
7:30 Nate
7:50 Alyssa


Spelling: Study, finish sentences if you didn't finish in class, DC group finish lesson 3

Reading: Read 20 min. for Fang. Catch up with your reading group if you are behind.

Math: Study MB pg 217 in Journal-quiz tomorrow

Science: Team 2 weather packet, Note quiz tomorrow

Other: T-shirt $ and Book order due tomorrow!!!
popcorn $

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March 11th

Today we had mentor/pals with our kindergarten friends. We watched a video about St. Patrick's Day and then did some fun sheets together. It was indoor recess today because of the wind chill factor.


Spelling: Study-be careful, these are homophones, so you knot only have to know the spelling of the word, but also what it means.

Mrs. Stanchik shared a neat Spelling website with Justin last night and he shared it with me. It sounds like you can type your spelling list in and play games with them or print out word searches etc. http://www.spellingcity.com/ Thanks Mrs. Stanchik and Justin!

Math: finish SL 7.2 and Mathboxes pg 217 tonight. Most of the class had a chance to finish it today in class.

Science: Notes on pgs 106-107 if you forgot to do yesterday. We will be having a quiz on Friday where you can use your notes. Team 2 is now starting their weather data packet for the next 5 days.

Reading: Read 20 min. for Fang, read pages for group-do entry in journal.

Other: Band
T-shirt orders due Friday
Book orders due Friday

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

March 10th

Today we had a half day!


Spelling: Study

Science: Take notes on pages 106-107 in your book
Team 3 weather

Reading: Read 20 min. for Fang, read pages in book

Other:Band, T-shirt money, Book order

Monday, March 9, 2009

March 9th

Today we started our prewriting and rough drafts for the Spring Writing Assessment. We will finish up the final draft on Wednesday. We also had guidance with Mrs. Hess. The students played a gateway drug bingo. Students were told to bring their bingo board home with them to show to their parents.

Remember-tomorrow is a half day. Students are dismissed at 11 am.


Reading: 20 minutes for Fang, read pages in group book.

Science: Team 3 continue to do weather in your packet. If you forgot to bring in a weather tool or a drawing/picture of one, bring it tomorrow!!! If you don't, you will not get any points for it.

Other: T-shirt orders due Friday
Book orders due Friday

Friday, March 6, 2009

March 6th

Today we had a time to clean out our messy desks! We also watched another video on the author Andrew Clements, had Art class, and took a hidden bias test in the computer lab.


Reading: read 20 min for Fang, do entry #2 for your group's reading book. I told all students to take their response journal home, even if they finished at school, and ask their parents for help. I pointed out that their parents have lived longer than they have, so they have more knowledge. I also told them that parents like to feel needed, so asking for help makes them happy :)

Science: Team 3 make sure you had Thurs. and Friday's weather done on your chart.

Bring in a weather tool to share on Monday. If you do not have anything that measures weather at your house, draw a picture, or print one off the internet.

Other: T-shirt order due 3/13
Book order due 3/13

Thursday, March 5, 2009

March 5th

Today the class got to see the grades that I am sharing with parents at conferences today and next Thursday. They also helped to fill out how they think they are doing in their work and life skills.


Reading: Read 20 min. for Fang. Read pages in your group book. No entry in your journal tonight.

Spelling: Study for your test tomorrow. DC group finish lesson 2 in your workbooks.

Science: Team 3 fill out the daily weather in your packets.

Other: Popcorn $
t-shirt order due 3/13
book order due 3/13

Conferences tonight:
4:10 Justin
4:30 Alex M.
5:10 Abbey H.
5:30 Dylan
6:10 Mitchell
6:30 Autumn
6:50 Hunter
7:10 Alex H.
7:30 Abby P.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March 4th

Today went really quickly! We had Guidance today because we missed out on it last Monday when we didn't have school. We also took our Unit 6 Math test and started reading our new books. Tonight all students have to finish reading their pages and do an entry in their reader's response journal.


Reading: read 20 min. for Fang
Finish reading pages in class book and do entry #1 in Reader's Response Journal

Spelling: Study (DC group if you are not done with your workbook pages tomorrow you can take them home to finish by Friday)

Science: Team 3 record the weather for today in your packet. You will be doing this for the next 5 days and then we will pass it on to another team.

Other: T-shirt order due 3/13
book order due 3/13

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March 3rd

Today we watched a video about a teacher who did an exercise with her class where she said the blue-eyed people were better than brown-eyed people. We had a discussion about discrimination and focused on not discriminating against people who are different from you at school. I think some discrimination against "different" students is part of the recess problems that we are having.

Math Night is tonight. Come and play some Math games with your family. If you didn't fill out the sheet for the free hot dogs and chips you can still come and play!!!!! I will be there with Mrs. Bayer.


Reading: Read 20 minutes for Fang

Spelling: Study

Math: Finish any unfinished studylinks 6.1-6.6 and 6.9 I will collect them Wed.

Other: Full band tomorrow
Book order due 3-13
T-shirt order due 3-13
Math night tonight 6pm-7pm

Monday, March 2, 2009

March 2nd

Today we had our March incentive. 5th graders with 4 or less incentive initials got to play some card/board games with their friends before lunch. We also had library with Mrs. Peterson where she continues to share about different illustrators and how they do their art. Next week we get to start making illustrations with art materials so purchased with a grant.


Math: Studylink 6.9. Finish any Studylinks between 6.1-6.6. I will be collecting them on Wed.

Spelling: Study

Reading: 20 min. for Fang. Bring in your signed Fang for the first 2 weeks tomorrow if you forgot today.

Math Night Tuesday from 6-7. If you are coming, write a note saying how many are attending.
T-Shirt orders due 3/13-if you are able to donate one as well, that would be great!!!!
Poem drawing-do at home if you would like.

We have been having problems with students playign rough games on the playgound involving tackling, pushing, kicking, etc. Any games with physical contact like this are not meant for school recess. We have gone over this all before, but the students who are caught doing it are not being respectful about punishments etc. Please talk to your child about what they do at recess.